Create a button to launch a Flow
You can use column formatting to create buttons that, when selected, run Flows on the corresponding list item.
What are SharePoint Content Types?
A brief description of SharePoint Content Types.
Using SharePoint REST API to GET List properties: ListItemEntityTypeFullName
To find the ListItemEntityTypeFullName property for a SharePoint List, use REST API calls with either the List ID or ListName in the URL. Append “?$select=ListItemEntityTypeFullName” to get the property specifically. For detailed information, consult Microsoft’s guide on working with lists via REST.
Connect-PnPOnline: unwanted credential caching
Problems with the Connect-PnPOnline PowerShell CmdLet caching credentials while using the UseWebLogin parameter. See the fix!
SharePoint ‘Site Content and Structure’ Admin Page
SharePoint ‘Site Content and Structure’ Admin Page … don’t let that get in the way of useful functionality.
SharePoint: Content and Structure Report for All Checked Out Files
Ever wondered why a file or page was not showing up in search or did not updated during a deployment? Well perhaps it was because the “creator” had not checked-in their file or published the page…