Frustrated by the warning message on Windows computers “This file came from another computer and might be blocked to help protect this computer“? The warning appears when you try to open a PowerShell file that has come from a 3rd party.
Check Security section
Right-click on a single file and choose Properties and look for the Security section at the bottom of the window:
“This file came from another computer and might be blocked to help protect this computer.”
You can check the box (in Windows 10) or click the Unblock button (in Windows 7/8) to unblock the file.
Unblock multiple files
If you have multiple files and are unable to select them all at once, you will need to manage each file separately to unblock them. If the files were supplied in a ZIP file, make sure you always unblock the ZIP file before extracting the files.
Unblock multiple files with PowerShell
If you have multiple files an alternative is to run the following PowerShell:
dir -Path [directory path] -Recurse | Unblock-File
Note: Don’t forget to replace [directory path].