SharePoint Online Public Site: how to access the Webpart Gallery

When working with SharePoint Online’s Public Site you may have noticed that you do not have access to the Webparts Gallery from the Settings page. It would appear that, at least for my version of O365 SharePoint, Microsoft has hidden the “Web parts” link from the Settings page.

If you need to manage your custom webparts, here is a simple trick. Go to your Team Site setting’s page and click on the “Webparts” link and copy the URL into a text editor (e.g. Notepad++), for example:


Next copy your Public Site’s base URL:


Then take the path from the Team Site:


Note the most important part of the path is:


And append to you Public Site’s URL making a complete URL like this:


Finally, past the newly created URL into your browser and wait for it to load Public Site’s Webpart Gallery…

Quick Referrence

If you can’t be bothered to go through these steps, I’ve listed the paths to the missing Galleries links below, with the exception of the “Site content types”:

  • List templates                   /_catalogs/lt/Forms/AllItems.aspx
  • Site columns                     /_layouts/15/mngfield.aspx
  • Recycle Bin                       /_layouts/15/AdminRecycleBin.aspx
  • Solutions                           /_catalogs/solutions/Forms/AllItems.aspx
  • Top Link Bar                    /_layouts/15/topnav.aspx
  • Tree view                         /_layouts/15/navoptions.aspx
  • Web parts                        /_catalogs/wp/Forms/AllItems.aspx

05/08/2013 (UK Date) Update:

Content Types can be managed using SharePoint Designer 2013.​

10/10/2013 (UK Date) Update:

Subsites can be managed using SharePoint Designer 2013.​

Update January 2015:

Starting January 2015, Microsoft is making changes to the SharePoint Online Public Website feature. Customers who currently use this feature will continue to have access to the feature for a minimum of two years after the changeover date of March 9, 2015. New customers who subscribe to Office 365 after the changeover date won’t have access to this feature. Moving forward, Office 365 customers will have access to industry-leading third-party offerings that will enable them to have a public website that provides a complete online solution and presence.